Reviews about DJI FLIP

Reviews about DJI FLIP

Reviews about DJI FLIP

The DJI Flip seems to be generating a lot of buzz lately, with new images and details emerging about this rumored folding drone. According to some reports, it will According to the leaked information, the DJI Flip will feature a 1/1.3-inch CMOS sensor capable of recording 4K/60FPS HDR video. The drones reported 3,110 mAh battery should provide approximately 31 minutes of flight time per charge impressive figures for an aircraft in the sub-250g category.


lf you're looking for a drone that offers top-notchfilming quality, ease of control, and exceptionalportability, the DJl Flip is the perfect solution. ltsname might suggest it's designed for daringacrobatics, but in reality, it's a versatile device thatwill satisfy the needs of both beginners andexperienced pilots. With innovative features and arich list of technical specifications, the DJl Flipsets new standards in the category of small andefficient drones.

LESS THAN 300 GRAMS-FREER FLYING Thefirst significant advantage of the DJl Flip is itsweight of less than 300 grams (approximately 249g with the standard battery and microSD card).Thanks to its extremely low weight, the Flip is apractical travel companion as it easily fits into abackpack or bag, and with the DJl Cellular Dongle2,the weight reaches about 295 g, which stillremains within the compact drone category.


One of the strongest assets of the DJl Flip is certainly its integrated camerabased on a 1/1.3-inch sensor that guarantees topquality photos and videos. Thanks to a wide FOV(82.1°) and a lens with an equivalent focal lengthof 24 mm (aperture f/1.7), the Flip enables brightand sharp shots in almost all lighting conditions.Photographers and detail enthusiasts can choosebetween 12 MP and 48 MP photos, with variousshooting modes: Single Shot, Burst (3/5/7 frames)AEB (3/5/7 frames), and Time-lapse intervalsettings. Video content is recorded in resolutionsup to 4K (3840x2160) at 60 fps, with variousframes available in FHD quality (1920x1080),witha maximum of 100 fps for slow-motion shots. Anunusual but very useful feature of vertical shooting(2.7K or 1080x1920) will particularly appeal tocontent creators for social media. With a maximumvideo bitrate of 150 Mbps and support for D-LogM, your creativity will come to full expression in




FOR MAXIMUMSTABlLiTY The stability of the footage is crucialwhen you want to get professional-qualitymaterial. The DJl Flip uses a three-axis (tilt, rollpan) mechanical gimbal that ensures that shotsremain smooth even when the drone flies atspeeds of 12-16 m/s. The tilt control range of thecamera goes from -90° to +35°, with extremelyprecise stabilization of ±0.01°, meaning you'lalways have complete control over your frame.

ADVANCED SENSOR SYSTEM The DJl Flip alsocares about safety during flight. The drone isequipped with a series of sensors, including a front3D ToF sensor, and visual and infrared sensorsunder the hull, ensuring stable flight, reliablehovering, and obstacle recognition in theenvironment. The front sensor can detect objectsup to 8 meters away, while the lower sensors aid inprecise landing.This significantly reduces thelikelihood of unwanted collisions or landing errors,which is a great help for beginners and anyoneseeking safe navigation.


FOR MAXIMUMDISTANCE For a stable connection between thedrone and the remote controller, the DJl Flip uses04 transmission technology. Under idealconditions, without obstacles, the range can reachup to 13 km (FCC standard). For Europeanregulations (CE), this number goes up to 8 km.Whether the drone flies in an urban environmentwith strong interferences or in open nature, the 04system adjusts the communication and maintains astable live display up to 1080p/60fps on yourremote controller or smartphone.

BATTERY AND SMART CHARGING The batterysystem includes a 22.3 Wh Li-ion battery with anominal voltage of 7.16 V. Thanks to integratedprotective mechanisms, charging is safe and fast.In addition to standard charging (up to 30 W) viathe drone, with the optional Battery Charging Hub,you can reach up to 65 W, which is perfect forcharging two batteries simultaneously. In practicethis means less waiting and more time for creativeflights.



The DJl Flip will impress you with its dimensions:when folded, it measures only 136x62x165 mmwhile in the unfolded state, it expands to233x280x79 mm(LxWxH).Despite its small sizethe robust design and materials used guaranteereliability and longevity. The Flip is designed towithstand daily adventures, and thanks to the COcertificate (EU) and global positioning systems(GPS+ Galileo + BeiDou),you can explore newlocations with peace of mind.



Whetheryou're a recreational user or a professionalphotographer, you'll be amazed by the flightcharacteristics offered by the DJl Flip. The dronecan reach an ascent speed of up to 5 m/s and thesame descent speed, while in Cine mode, thesevalues drop for safer and more precise movement.Regarding horizontal speed, expect up to 12 m/s inSport and Normal modes under calm conditions,and with favorable wind (4 m/s tailwind) even up to16 m/s in Sport mode. The maximum windresistance is about 10.7 m/s (level 5),suggestingthat the Flip handles somewhat challengingconditions without significant difficulty. Thanks toa powerful 3110 mAh battery, the DJl Flip allowsfor up to 31 minutes of flight at constant speedand 28 minutes when hovering. The maximumdistance the drone can cover on a single charge isup to 14 km, under ideal conditions (6-9 m/s, nowind, 20 meters above sea level).The batterycharges quickly-in optimal conditions, you cancharge it in about 70 minutes, and even faster witha special Battery Charging Hub and stronger USB.C chargers



COMPACT YET DEVASTATINGLYEFFECTlVE The DJl Flip sets new standards in thecategory of ultra-light and more compact dronesThe combination of a top-notch camera with amechanical gimbal, advanced sensors, and apowerful transmission system enablesprofessional-level footage and easy handling, evenin more demanding conditions. At the same timeits weight and foldable design make it anunobtrusive companion for travels, adventuresand everyday exploration. From battery life andremote transmission to easy integration with theDJl Fly mobile app, everything in the DJl Flip isdesigned to provide you with an intuitive andmaximally enjoyable experience. Whether you're acomplete beginner or an experienced pilot, thisdrone will open up new perspectives and allowyour aerial shots to reach an entirely new level